
Dear God, why does this not have a thousand stars?

Sanders 2016!!!!

[Mayor Quimby voice] It can be two things.

She should eat some cake.

Total clickbait I thought this stub was going to be about Rick Perry

...goddammit, I know that’s just a calculated political move but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t warm the rusty, empty and necrotic cockles of my useless, cold heart.

That’s pretty bad, tbh.

Megatronz? Just no.

Now playing

God, I love the atmosphere of the original Diablo. 3 and even 2 don’t come close to matching that gothic horror feel from the original. The music was everything to it.

This is even better knowing that that pastry bag is full of cow crap.

#LetUsDrown is what I was hoping the hashtag would be.

So...what, they’re doing their impressions of their favourite confederate soldiers?

Biased in favor of... facts?

“oh hey, kids. Who would you rather have as your dad? This guy, who was in a little known band in the 60’s, or KURT FUCKING RUSSELL?”

I just want to say, I been waiting a while for this. Thanks for the shout out!

Since when did Abe Simpson become a boxing referee?
