
Gohan is just not a closer...

I am having a serious case of Dijon Mustard right now...

Not long after that Let’s Play Troy left that internet series (Retro Replay) with nobody really saying what the rub was. But it was inferred online that Troy wasn’t happy with something.

Poor Valve. If only they had a near monopoly on digital game transactions for close to 2 decades to soften the blow...

Ladykillers isn’t that bad.

Two more than TOS. One more than Enterprise. Two less than TNG, DS9, and Voyager.

Too much media

I don’t know why anyone keeps expecting people who often didn’t attend normal standardized school or secondary education (for something other than pretending) to have any kind of idea what the fuck is what when it comes to science.

“you said you had protection!”

Something will give. There can’t be enough dollars for all this content so few people are watching. Streaming services are learning a very hard fiscal truth right now.

probably to sidestep not having rights to his character

It has been such a long time since the first game came out, that I don’t even remember the plot anymore. I remember thinking it was good. But I don't remember thinking it was great. If it comes out and it gets good reviews I guess I'll give it a glance. If it doesn't then I am not going to lose any sleep over it

Bonjour... Lobey, Hey Bonjour... Lobey we’re so pleased that you’ve come back we have to scream... AHH

Spoilers for the first game

“They porched her!”

At least she became the replacement girl in Back to the Future Part 2

That’s true. I was pretty tired when I watched it in theaters and saw it with someone coming into it with no/little context. It was so far on the silly side of the spectrum I had second-hand embarrassment because they thought they were seeing an action/adventure movie.

I liked everything up to the Finale fine. But that all was just off-putting.

What if I thought the actors in Ms Marvel were good but the story and pacing was just overbusy and awful?