
Still missing something

Came here to post this. You beat me.

You magnificent Bastard!

Yes.... yes.... ads bad......

Also he is 50.

This is the way.

When wanting to see his son, the director, on the set:

Now playing

The original Admiral Akbar was TOTALLY obsessed with penises. Why, when asked what his preference in the ladies was he was heard to respond:

So I can understand not making much, but this feels icky considering it is in his actual art style. I guess his contract with Universal must have sucked. But if not for that contract the game wouldn’t exist etc.

He already played a version of Q that was animated.

Hmm. Happened to read the paragraph before the break. I guess I have no right to complain about spoilers.

Hi Fake Lizardo

Opinion Piece. Not an article. And as others pointed out it was behind a paywall. The editorial board of the WSJ had people leave because they were not permitted to allow publications of editorials critical of Trump.(Mark Lasswell) I will not trust an opinion piece from that same board.

May the Courts rule fairly, and may all those around her have her best interest at heart. She is basically girl-Michael Jackson at this point. Let’s hope she gets some sense of normalcy and happiness.

Now playing

South Park had a multi-part series of episodes dealing with this concept.

Now you are just starting shit.

If Microsoft’s practices were monopolistic, then so is this.

Wall Street Journal.

Think it’ll work?
It’ll take a miracle

HEY! I will FONG you!

Artificial Scarcity Breeds Piracy