
The Color Run is the Pumpkin Spice Latte of running events.

There are a lot of very practical things people can do. And by people, I mean the government. Moving towards Scandinavian style socialism will make a dig difference. Free access to Head Start, for example, for all families who want it would have significant positive effects on poor families. Modeling our criminal

It really is re-gifted conservative ideology. It’s like social Reaganism. It’s also seriously messed up and has a much more serious life-or-death implications for the people it’s targeting.

It attracts wealthy Black people because they think their money insulates them from the problems us regular Negroes deal with. I don’t know how any non-wealthy Black person who is actually aware of what the hell goes on in this country could possibly find the new black narrative attractive.

it’s also a very flattering narrative: “ I was able to pull myself up by my own bootstraps, and it was because of my awesomeness and hard work ect etc.” Therefore those who can’t, can’t because they must be lazy or weak or have some other character flaw.

The new black narrative is attractive to wealthy Black people and poor black people because it disregards the structural, systematic forces that shape our lives and gives us practical, personal ways to cope with them. In that way it is very much like a self help book- just another aspect of the American dream.

As cheesy at it is to compare real life to young adult novels I am 100% confused as to how Hunger Games can we one of the most popular media franchises in the country yet so many of those exact same fans don’t support the oppressed IRL in their own country.

Okay sentimental teacher memory time...

“A-list pussy”

I hate those GoFundMe things. I hate them. These are the people that claim that America is going to shit and the economy is going to shit but they have freaking money to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for this and other stupid hateful causes like restricting abortion. Fuckers! I hate them all!!

“Khaleesi is coming to Westeros!” Was the best damn part.

I discovered something truly beautiful while I was searching for the above gifs :

If you think Taiwan is a culinary desert, there is no plumbing the depths of your idiocy. Some of the best food in the world is in Taiwan. A bento place that doesn’t even try in Taiwan is worlds better than Subway, with choices of vegetables, meats, sauces and flavors that Subway could never hope to emulate. If you’re

Did you just call the land of garage fried deliciousness every morning and beef noodle soup a culinary desert? Or are you just a crazy white person who doesn’t dine on delicious youtiao and delicious spicy beef filled wontons (not shitty wonton chips mind you) in the morning? I shit you not I had breakfast at some

I was so surprised that I liked Frances Ha and this was a lovely break down of the movie/their friendship.

The use of “we’re basically the same person” was really realistic, I’ve seen so many people fall into the trap of thinking people only have the thoughts and feelings they express to them and then getting the rug pulled from under them when they figure out they’re separate people after all. I really enjoyed the movie

Ugh. Erdely didn’t do the hard work, maybe in part because she was trying to tread carefully around a difficult subject matter. I get not wanting to further disrupts victims’ lives. But Rolling Stone didn’t provide the rigorous editorial checks necessary, obviously much more so because the sensational value of the

I'm just wondering if Jezebel is ever going to leave Bruce Jenner alone. At least I would hope this website would drop it's facade that it gives any fucks at all about queer/trans peoples lives while it insists on joining in on all the trans speculation fun. Linking to radar. My fucking word. Radar is responsible for

You know what? Keanu Reeves.

Duchovny tries so so much to be cool. Gillian, on the other hand, is an effortless goddess who doesn't need a band to make her look cool.