
somewhere in the corner of the internet where they celebrate white history month, i imagine


>>>>”Unfortunately, I can’t think of an asian-American actress with a high enough profile andbank-ability to replace her in this role.”

As for Stone, who would you suggest casting in her place that has her cache? The only one I can think of is Olivia Munn, who is from Oklahoma but is half Chinese. She has nowhere near the star power of Stone though. And, Stoneworks for dirt cheap and puts asses in seats.

Scrolling through these comments was really depressing. So many people shrugging off systemic, whitewashing racial bias. These casting decisions say that whiteness is the default even when the characters are explicitly written as mixed race, but MY MOM’S AUNT’S BEST FRIEND’S COUSIN LOOKS WHITE so that makes it OK.

It’s such a defensively white thing to do, tbh. It’s a “but these people look like regular white people and their NOT!” sort of response. I don’t fux with that.

“I’m not doing this to be interesting. I’m doing this to live.”

Part of the problem is that Asian/Mixed-Asian/Polynesian/Hapa actors are so underrepresented in Hollywood that taking away literally one of a few parts available to them and give them to a white person is never going to be the same thing as a PoC being cast as a white character. Never.

Renee Russo better watch out or Caitlyn is going to go all single white female on her ass.

because white people aren’t 6.6% of the demographics coming out of hollywood. additionally, rue was not recast as someone black, she was black in the books. louis ck’s wife isn’t being cast as someone not black, angelina jolie in salt proved that the film worked regardless of gender.

What gets me is that this is an original screenplay by Cameron Crowe, right? If he wanted to, he could just make the character white! It’s not like there are fans of the original source material who will notice something, so just name her Allison Smith. It’s not like there’s anything in “Hula dancing expert with a

Yup, there are literally none. Had to be Emma Stone. Just like Tiger Lily had to be played by Rooney Mara in Pan and Joel Edgerton had to be Ramses in Exodus. God, those casting people have it rough, eh?

For everyone commenting with anecdotes about their Hapa friends/relatives/dog walkers/random persons: NOT THE FUCKING POINT.

You guys, it's just SO HARD to find Asian actresses? It's not our fault that acting doesn't seem like a viable career choice for POC, so we perpetuate a system where the laziest, easiest option is to just hire another white face. SO HARD.

What kicks me though is that “Allison Ng,” minor spelling differences aside, is my actual daughter’s name. She happens to be 50% Chinese. Imagine it sure would have been cool for her to see a positive character with HER NAME who was an actual Asian person. Instead it’s the usual “no one looks like me” crap.

All love and respect due, but these comments are not people being rigid about nontraditional relationships, honey. This is a bunch of women who read your description of this man’s behavior, recognized it from past mistakes, and are telling you what a strong, independent woman learns to do in response to the all too

You are asking for advice, but it seems like you mostly want us all to tell you to go for it and that it will be fantastic. Your entire post is so littered with red flags though that it is really, really impossible for me to tell you to sleep with this married, manipulative narcissist who is playing mind games with

And that’s what I’m asking for advise on: how to keep my strength, keep his in check, and stay in touch with my own boundaries and needs and signals.

You seem pretty determined so I wish you luck but I don’t think you’d be here asking for advice if you didn’t have a feeling deep down that there’s trouble down the road. I hope that it works out for you.

That’s what you took away from this? She didn’t have to yell. That’s insane. If telling someone that is passive aggressive, then I don’t know what kind of VIP treatment you think this barista deserves when she’s literally humiliating customers for no reason.