
Well I still feel relatively comfortable with it in regards to what you actually wrote. I don't think my criticisms need to reflect what you were trying to convey in order to be fair provided what actually hit the page was stuff that, I think you've admitted, was not super clear and where a lot of people got the

I really appreciate Daum repeatedly saying that this is a conversation everyone should be having. It says a lot about our cultural attitudes that it continues to be relegated predominantly to women's spaces, which I mean, duh-obvs, because women are tasked with pretty much all the reproduction-related burdens. I

If people actually thought having kids were important, they would work to ensure maternity/paternity leaves are available. Children get education/food and basic rights. They get protected from bullying irrespective of orientation, sex or other characteristics. If children are important and if most people in the

No, you don't have an obligation to cover every aspect of wedding gift-giving. But I don't think the issue of whether a gift should be given at all can be easily separated from your argument that as older couples who have lived together have all of their household goods, any reluctance to donate to their honeyfunds is

Nobody cares about your boner.

As long as both parties are cool with it, I see no problem.

"But there are different things that could explain some of this challenge."

I just threw up in my mouth a little upon reading the word" trendlet"

That seems to be a Dropbox Pro Feature - and I am sure not paying for that.

About the only time I see this phenomenon being discussed in popular culture-albeit obliquely— is in horror movies, one of the biggest arbiters of our fears in modern times.

You know why there's the old joke that "my wife is never 'wrong'?" BECAUSE SHE'S PROBABLY NOT. It's true in my marriage anyway (my husband admits this often...not that it helps in a disagreement).

If they don't require other outpatient surgery centers to have the same admitting privileges, then this has nothing to do with the health of the woman and everything to do with limiting abortion access, period. I had my wisdom teeth pulled in 2012 by a maxillofacial surgeon who didn't have admitting privileges, and

The art of tipping is, for most people, really freaking annoying. How much is too much? How much is too little? Is this the only reason I had to learn how to calculate percentages in 5th grade?

Aww, that little girl is going to be one hell of a surgeon/serial killer one day.

Ah, more from Meaghan Trainor, the genetically-engineered Republican Backlash Femmebot we deserve. Fuck you, you ignorant fucking ass basket. And also, in the words of the inimitable Claire Standish,

I absolutely agree with the call for more diversity in media, particularly Hispanic/Latino diversity as it's near and dear to my heart.

Oh wow.

I wish I hadn't dimissed him before he got the very bestest part! Where he outs himself as a misogynist and likely a racist too! Now the undismiss button isn't working so lemme give you all a cute screenshot. :)

I'm sorry, is this supposed to be some kind of fucking joke? I'm not going to humor you with a huge long comment explaining the myriad ways lesbians are oppressed in general, explain violence against them, explain corrective rape or bathroom rights or sexualization/fetishization, the distancing straight women do and

Please let there be a ranch milkshake. Cardinals fans deserve a ranch milkshake.