
Oh, she left quite an impression. A terrible one, since she comes off like a whiny, needy creep towards Barbara, but an impression.

He's 16. What would have happened if that "child" had committed a violent crime? There's be outrage if we didn't try him as an adult. But when sex is involved, we're suddenly all concerned about the "saftey of the children". Either a 16 year old is a child or they're an adult. They hypocracy of jumping back and

I'm keeping my baby of the pole. By any means necessary.

Of course he's on the C. The shittiest line where people can think they can take up all the space because it's one long bench without obvious markings of seats or without bars to separate benches into smaller portions. I've had people huff and/or ignore me when I've asked them to scoot over so I can sit. Each of the

i actively hate this dude

A cardboard box seems like a much more fun concept...

My wife told me this was a "sex box."

We cut three patterns, and if the design doesn't look good in all three it does not go through.

I read these books for the first time when I was 12. (I'll be 29 next month.) My mom and I were obsessed with them together for years and years. I've been rereading them in prep for the show and OH MY GOD YOU SHOULD TOTALLY WATCH. The only thing that bugged me in the first episode was the way Dougal looked, but

Dragonfly in Amber is my favourite book of the bunch so this is amazing news. The costumes will be amazing.

Well, in the books, Claire is always talking about how the two men look so much alike. I think it would be a mistake to NOT have them be played by the same actor.

I can only speak to the first episode, since that's the only that has aired, but I thought it hewed closely to the book. The only element that is significantly different is that Claire and Frank's relationship was given significant screen time, giving the audience a glimpse into why Claire might be so eager to go

When will you be looking at more commenters to approve? I've been a dedicated member of the site (as have many others) but have never been approved despite many upvotes and all the like. I think if you switch back to this system, you have to start actively looking for new commenters to star or you have to REGULARLY

Several characters tagged as "dead" on this list are not dead. Some of them are not even missing, presumed dead, or even hinted to be dead. They have continuous roles in the story up until book 5 but for some unexplained reason are tagged "dead" here.

Not deluding myself man, just realizing that my tantrum would've lasted all of 3 seconds before my dad, mom, or any other adult in the are did something to scare the shit outta me and make me behave.

It's cute how people who don't consume the flesh and secretions of tortured animals on a daily basis think they're actually winning conversions by being arrogant, self-aggrandizing assholes who are generally insufferable and completely intolerable. You're not fooling me, losers.

I grew up in the woods, basically. At any given time my mother had no idea where I was, but could call from the back porch and I'd hear. Around 5-6pm mothers and fathers could be heard in the neighborhood yelling for their kids to come home for dinner (we were often together). This was before cell phones, which would

I really don't understand it, unless there is a very specific reason why this neighborhood or route is problematic. In which case, maybe the police should do their job and police the area.

Right?! That was my first thought. If there are numerous sex offenders residing in the vicinity of this park, maybe you should redirect your efforts to enforcing THOSE laws!