
I would point out, to everyone who is so quick to say "I can do pull-ups!" that Marine Corps pull-ups are each done from a dead hang (elbows locked out) and zero 'kipping' (kicking your legs) I know plenty of people that can pound out 20 conventional pull-ups who aren't able to do three of the perfect form Marine

I know plenty of women who can do 3 pull-ups. If the women who are trying for infantry can't do three measly pull-ups, then I have to seriously doubt their ability to hang. I'm not some military expert here, but 3 pull-ups? This isn't even a question of women vs. men— 3 pull-ups as a minimum requirement is not that

They look SO MUCH BETTER here!

God yes. Polka dot white underwear under all of that stuff shows up a lot more than a bare ass. I feel so embarrassed for them.

All the book readers wont shut up about this. It's blown way out of proportion on how important it is. Yes I understand it provides motive as to why he seeks out his father, but it's entirely too wordy and too disconnected from when we last heard of Tysha back in season 1? 2? Who fucking remembers. It was 5000 pages

I have the opposite objection. I don't see a lot of ass and cooter in leggings, what I see is way too much Visible Panty Lines (VPL) and I find that embarrassing. I don't want to know the exact size and shape of someone's underwear.

plus no Coldhands, and worst of all no Lady Stoneheart. this show is starting to grate my reader's nerves.

I never, ever wear underwear. I've also never had any infections or anything. I just wash my pants a lot.

I haven't read books, but per what i read and Wiki


Come on, did anyone bother to even to read the abstract? I know no one will read the study itself but seriously... This is a recap article of a recap article of the study.

Eh, someone let me know when Sebastian Stan brings back his Mad Hatter fabulousness.

I want them to go into the Mulan/Aurora romance too!

I took a photo on my honeymoon in front of a volcano in Hawaii once that killed someone.

Yeah, I didn't understand why I was watching Sting perform, or Jennifer Hudson perform a song from a musical that hasn't even come out yet. And to be honest I could have cheerfully done without hearing a song from Wicked again.

Mixing Broadway and Hip Hop can only lead to trouble. Trouble with a capital "TI".