
Meh. Nice, but so boring and beige. I'll use that to reason why I don't live in a place like this.

I think it is interesting that everybody was freaking out about this judge saying this girl was "older than her biological age" and thus capable of making the sexual decisions that she did while other judges are not censured or even questioned for saying that 12-year old girls have the same ability to judge right and

I disagree. I love me some Lupita but this look is frumpy and unattractive. Looks like she is wearing some "mom" capri's from Walmart. It just was not her night.

YES! Maleficent is the mistress of evil! She is the evil fairy godmother. They completely changed her story.

But in fairness, the reviews are all pretty spot on. The plot is water thin (and super predictable), the special effects are terrible, and Jolie is the movie's saving grace. I've read the original script and the end result is definitely not quite up to par. It once had a much better plot with deeper character arcs and

I like to think Cicely Tyson was rolling her eyes in that moment.

with a back pat from an English major. Whoot!

BOO-YAH! Someone has to translate STEM into English for the business majors!

Ah, the old STEM wank. I was hoping someone would decide to get in on it.

Ha - I knew someone wouldn't waste the opportunity to say something negative about Beyonce being included on this list. No matter if you don't care for her music (or Lady Gaga's, or any other performer included on the list), she is relevant because she sells a lot of records, makes a lot of money, and is influential

"It was like a war scene. "

Now playing

In the eyes of a twelve-year old just waiting to watch I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched, the Monkees can easily be seen as a dismal failure! I Love Lucy theme below.

Whoa, whoa. Before you assess my person-ness, note that I thought we were sticking to 80's-90's TV themes. Here's my "of all time list":

When roughly 25% of the population is atheist, agnostic, non-religious, etc. and there is zero representation for them in political office, that is a problem. When the majority of our representation is philanderers, hypocrites, and panderers and that's a smaller percentage of the population we have a problem.

Could we make a note that the Common Core is not a new curriculum but new standards whenever we talk about the Common Core? A curriculum would actually be the lesson plans, materials, etc. actually utilized by the teacher in the classroom (either by teacher design or scripted or a combination based on the school).

The yard is amazing. The interior is atrocious. So many different weathered woods! Mine eyes!

The yard is the only cute part Mark. I'll split the house with you.