Why TF are my comments grayed?! I’m an OG member. I thought we were all ... whatevered in the great Kinjaing.
Why TF are my comments grayed?! I’m an OG member. I thought we were all ... whatevered in the great Kinjaing.
Why TF are my comments grayed?! I’m an OG member. I thought we were all ... whatevered in the great Kinjaing.
Fully agreed. Oh and: The fact that some people thought it was funny isn’t us not getting the joke - it’s the joke being the problem. The thinking it’s funny IS THE PROBLEM.
What was the purpose of this?
I’m genuinely asking because it seems like Lifehacker has this weird new mission that quite a few of us (judging from comments here and elsewhere) find befuddling and not terribly clear. This post is clearly just one person’s opinion - fine, there’s no problem with that if it’s disclosed…
Well said.
Mayor Benjamin was my law school classmate. Of all the many awesome people who did good things after graduation, he’s at the top of my list. And he’s absolutely 10000% correct here, too.
I’m so sorry. I wish I could help.
And the only disease I know of that actively lies to you to get those logs.
YES. Yes, that’s EXACTLY what that means.
WAITWHATTHEHELL! I was right?!?! I thought that was her but then the more I watched, the more I was all “naaw, hell no, self, no way that’s Ann freakin’ Dowd!”
15 months. And frankly, he’ll mourn her forever. Doesn’t mean he can’t love again. God, the judgmental assholes on this one are really depressing. Or, as Erica Roman so eloquently put it, this.
Yeah? That’s great! My brother and SIL who are THE best dog people you could ever meet, had a dog, Micah, who was fucking insane and launched at people across the room for no reason whatsoever. Dogs aren’t fucking computers you can program. Maybe don’t assume everyone’s experience aligns with yours?
Can I hug you?
SUPER nice restaurant, yeah. We saved for months and used wedding cash. Once in a lifetime yadda yadda blah. Most of it was far less expensive. I just mentioned the price because cash like that is associated with high-end joints and personally I was stunned Disney even had a place like that, y’know? And OMG SO MUCH…
The food is excellent. I don’t know what you ate or when you were last there, but I was astonished at the quality of it. And yeah, I went on my honeymoon - primarily we were just going to Orlando, and Disney was just sorta “there” and we had lots of friends who worked there. One of them suggested we eat one night at…
Starred specifically for excellent use of Raul Esparza bitchface.
It’s on Hulu, too. I never watched it and figured I might as well before the new series drops. I’m 3 episodes in and I’ve gotta say ... not impressed. At all.
“I am not disappearing. I will continue to stand strong for men’s rights and the rights of all,”