Right? And he's a Bush, who are known fuck-ups until they meet the right woman, find Jesus and quit drinking.
Right? And he's a Bush, who are known fuck-ups until they meet the right woman, find Jesus and quit drinking.
Not me, but my daughter became consumed with horses around age 4. She liked to gallop around and neigh, and would not answer to me in public unless I called her by the horse name she chose for herself..."Whitey."
I get that they're typically different, I'm just thinking with some women they may be more receptive to an honest fuck and go approach just like how some gay men might be the opposite and have romance and relationship building tied to sex in their heads.
Let's not forget that there's no medical definition of virginity. Female virginity cannot be "proven" any more than male virginity can.
I'm betting "syphilis" is the example disease because if they come out and say "HIV" outright, then people will see this for what it is.
There is nothing less appealing to me than a guy who is wet noodle passive because he wants to be nice.
This. We aren't some sort of puzzle to be solved or a hoop to dunk a ball in. We're people. Talk to us like we're people. We like that.
"I'm using up all my nice coins and sex isn't falling out!" -Boring and Easy
I just treat women like other people and it seems to work pretty well.
My husband stepped on my dress a few times, but I had it bustled so it wasn't that bad.
We did the foxtrot to "Somewhere Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darrin. We got married in Tobago. It was awesome.
The picture we have framed from our wedding?
My school's prom used to have that rule, and I didn't attend because of it. Every few years there'd be an outrage because someone's sweetheart would be deployed or die in an accident and they'd be both grieving and stuck with an expensive dress. The point of the rule? Making sure there weren't any same sex couples at…
One is a man, one is a woman.
He tried to take pictures of a minor's underwear, doesn't EVERY state have laws against that?
Can you tell him that PrincessBlergh from Jezebel thinks that he's a dickhead and a horrible excuse for a judge?
Ok, as a Mexican, I have to say, it looks disgusting but it's not bad tasting... It's basically mushrooms.
I propose a dating site and/or app that only allows women to contact men. I just saved every woman 100 solicitations a day and being called a fat slut for not responding.
Alternatively, get the haircut you like. I'm sure my shorter, layered bob makes my round face look more pudgy, but I like it, it's fun, and it's easy to take care of. I used to spend 20 minutes blowing my hair dry every morning before work, but now I spend not even 5.
"Designer babies"?
he was very underutilized
There should have been a hungry guys boy dance party.