
I found this ad worse than useless. What was the message, exactly? "Domestic violence is scary, and. . .exists" Nothing about how to recognize when someone may be in a dangerous relationship, or what to do about it, or how to promote a culture where it's not say, acceptable for football players to commit it with no

Can I buy football credits, like carbon credits? You know, spend money so there can be less football created on the earth?

Yeah, I understand there are character limits in the headlines, but BOTH the parents were shot - and, as you said, the father was probably injured much more severely - so it's strange to omit the father from the headline entirely in favor of alerting us to the presence of a fetus. (Also smacks of the classic "women's

Not defending keeping a gun where the kid could get it, but it's called poverty.

Fetus > No longer a fetus. That's just science.

The Gawker Media Empire doesn't seem to have a style guide.

Anti-vaxxers make me absolutely BONKERS. I just cannot handle these types of people! And sorry, but your tenacious desire to maintain your delusions is not so sacrosanct that you should be allowed to put others at risk.


But then how will we cleanse our uteruses?? We obviously need to, since the female body is inherently disgusting in its natural state.

I've got this awesome hippie Wiccan facebook friend, and she posted a link to an article about vaginal steaming the other day, and no lie, Facebook's top "suggested link" underneath my friend's post was a link to a recipe for steamed clams.

This is most likely harmful, because it will upset the natural vaginal flora, but if it was actually legit steam it would be even more harmful, because it would burn the fuck out of you.

Someone needs to explain to me how the steam reaches my damn uterus. I live in LA and just want to DRIVE BY this place, or maybe stand outside and point at people and giggle. I see why Gwyneth needs this. All those cleanses have left her feeling, you know, unclean.

I would have stuck my fingers in my vagina and painted fuck you with period blood on the wall, but I'm an animal.

So they don't tell anyone about a potential murder. But they tell people they didn't tell people about a potential murder? I mean …

We used these for awhile. The kids were against it at first. We decided to put things they could earn on the opposite side. So, a stick might contain a hour of TV, playing a video game or earning small amounts of money. Not only does it give them something to do but it helped teach them that you need to do

Your problem comes from assuming that we think women are morally superior. When really, we're drawing on the ways that women are socialized to not be violent or aggressive, especially not sexually aggressive. Men are. The whole basis of feminist arguments about rape is that men are not predisposed to rape

I have no desire to do violence to anyone because I am a mentally healthy, functional adult. Most people would not do violence to those around them were there no laws preventing it.

Your gut feeling... is as scientific as the sample size, methodology, and premise of this survey.