
Threats of suicide are part of #whyIstayed.

Ugh, this whole thing makes me sick. Yet, last week, 17 million people tuned into watch the Ravens game on CBS. 17 million. There are at least 17 million people living in our country that see domestic violence and child abuse as 'no big deal', or at least not a big enough deal to stop tuning in.

These men have jobs in which they are exalted for their strength and brutality. I don't find it one bit surprising that they are violent off the field too.

Ugh. Classic abuser behavior. Beats the crap out of the mother of his child, then threatens to do harm to himself when she leaves. Because HE'S the victim here, of course.

will the puppybowl become our new sport? i hope so.

Folks, suicide threats from abusers are also abuse. It's a manipulative tactic, whether intentional or not. If you are in this position, or are witnessing someone in this position, call 911 and tell them you have a suicide threat on your hands.

hello stories pls

Meh. I can deal with people who want to take their shoes off—that simple act is a huge increase of comfort in the wasteland of discomfort that is coach, and most people don't have super-smelly feet, and frankly I put those "Feet are disgusting!" types of people right up there on my Get The Fuck Over Yourself shelf

I'm sorry, the angry women hater site is around the corner. Just take a left on crazy street and follow the marching fedoras.

My aunt is a flight attendant. She told me a story about a guy who wouldn't stop watching porn on a 6 hour flight and threw a fit when they tried to explain to him that it was making other passengers uncomfortable.

Why why why would you take your shirt off during a flight? First of all, it is FAA regulations that the cabin temperature on all flights be no higher than 7 degrees fahrenheit at all times. Second, those seats are so, so itchy. I'm getting sympathy hives just looking at that photo.

The problem is, by saying you only feel sympathy for their children and not for these women stuck doing something they regretted, you're ensuring that women will continue to feel ashamed for having these feelings and they won't speak about this frankly to people close to them or anyone else, and will keep these

WARNING: someone is posting horrifically gory x-rated 'shock' pictures. Please do not click the 'pending' button if you are upset by such things.

"We just couldn't believe that after an operation and four days at the vets he comes home and does it again," said Banks, who is slowly but surely running out of thongs.

"I've eaten plenty of girls' thongs in my life," Brian the Samoyed boasted to The Post. "But I've never eaten hers."

It's a bad day for Brian-related Jezebel news.

That dog just really likes and identifies with Sisqo.

Uh, you meant to post this on, right?

I don't think you have to be the UN Ambassador to know not to stand on tables and start yelling obscenities on campus.

Are our college football players UN ambassadors?

Lesson for the day: saying, "Fuck her right in the pussy," isn't ok, but actually doing it without her consent is.