
I do have breasts, (large ones), and not having external support feels like a torture porn movie. If this was covered by insurance and didn't leave scars, I'd sign up the day it became available.

I tried to switch to an e-reader and it's fine for traveling, or reading something cheesy before I doze off, but I just can't bring myself to part with paper books entirely.

Interesting! I always thought it was the paper. I'm never getting rid of my books, but I am glad to have one more justification for "eeaugh, carpet."

Love it!

If you have wallpaper and can get rid of it, do. They looooove wallpaper.

When I hear someone yell "spider," I can't help but chime in "…pig, spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does." Sometimes it flummoxes people long enough for the little critter to make an escape.

I have a friend who cannot deal with spiders and insects, but her husband doesn't like to kill them. They struck a compromise: if she sees a spider or bug when they are both home, she "calmly" leaves the room and tells him where it is. He will catch and release. If he is not home, she gets the "bug cup," (she has a

Spiders are welcome in my home. They eat the bugs. Granted, we don't have giant spiders around here, (at least not that I've seen), and I might feel differently if I saw a spider the size of my hand climbing the wall. But the little guys? They take up residence, eat eat the mosquitoes and whatever other little

You can probably find them in the yoga aisle at target. I've also seen them in the Whole Body section at Whole Foods.

I don't mind stuff between my toes, but all that extra fabric makes me think my toes would get so hot. I have enough problems with hot feet as it is, to the point where I sometimes have trouble getting to sleep because my feet get unbearably hot. Or I'm extra miserable on a run because all I can think about is how hot

Yep, they sure do. I know this because I've seen people wear them during yoga. They even make ones with the tips of the toes cut off, like fingerless gloves for your feet.

Wait - you put butter in your coffee?

I once saw a squirrel leap across a wooded trail and snatch a dragonfly out of midair. Cute little acorn hoarders my ass. Those fuckers hunt.

I don't know why, but "GOT ME AGAIN TARMAC" made me think of Mitch Hedberg, which just made my day. So, thanks.

I don't know you, but I think I love you.

I do a "late fall cleaning." When all the Christmas stuff starts showing up in stores and I start thinking about how we all buy way too much crap, I suddenly get the urge to purge, which then leads to binge cleaning. Sometimes it happens in early summer, too. There are about 72 hours every year after the pollen stops

I like your style. I have LOTS of those calls. I need to start squeezing in some bike time and tough mudder training while I'm listening to everyone else babble.

Sounds like I could use if for webcasts if I want to sneak in a ride during the work day. That's probably better than the way I normally "multi-task" (i.e. working on something else entirely and missing half the call). Thank you for the feedback!

I'm curious if anyone has tried this on a stationary bike. It seem like it would be really awkward, but maybe you get used to it. I'd love to hear if anyone has experience.

I usually spend those periods of time enjoying the quiet and letting my mind wander. My attention is pulled in so many directions for most of the day; I don't really need to cram in one more task during the 180 seconds I wait in line at the grocery store.