
Well, you know a gallon is 128 fl oz and a gallon of water weighs about 8.3 pounds, so you can go from there.

I had to do it for most kitchen jobs, (I was a cook as a teen), and I've had to do it for every professional job I've had (all in real estate and telecom). It varies from industry to industry, though. Background checks - including some financial snooping - is also pretty common for a lot of industries and positions.

Sandals in February are so practical!

This is so true. I can't think of a single person I know who has gotten a job in the last five years and hasn't had connections at the new place of employment. I was at my last job for over six years and spent about two of them applying to positions on job boards. I had lots of first round interviews with people who

I have not seen Pitch Perfect, but Bring It On is one of the greatest movies ever, therefore your comment must be correct.

Yup, I've been told no when nicely asking for coupons at Michaels. I solved that problem by downloading the app. Same at BBB - they've always told me they don't have coupons in store. But on the plus side, BBB will let you use expired coupons and you can use up to five at a time.

That makes a lot of sense. Thank you!
I tend to be injury prone, (from a combination of extreme clumsiness and chronically feeling like I'm not doing enough), so thanks for the reminder that missing a couple workouts for whatever reason is better than missing several weeks because of injury. I need to make this my

I know, sorry. Moon nonsense makes me ranty.


Hi Jason,

I hope when she's old an dying you slap the jello out of her hand and say "you have to fit in a coffin tomorrow!"

Couldn't agree more. I work from home an no one cares if I don't log-on until 8:30 or 9:00, but I meet people at the gym at 6:00am almost every day, and I get dressed the same way I would if I was going into the office.

When I was about ten, my ex-step-mother lectured me about "over-eating" when I asked for a peach for an afternoon snack after several hours of bike riding.

Dadgum, you beat me.

Steve & Barry's! I knew it would come to me.

Marbury! That was the basketball player with the shoes. The store name will come to me next...

It was SJP. Which was why I clicked on the link - I was interested to see if there was some mention of her making shoes that are stylish, but won't trash your feet.

I donate. I've found that often when a style comes back, the new iteration is different enough from the last time it was trendy that I want a new version. Also: more room for things I currently wear.

Yep. I can't remember the name of the store, but I do remember it also carried those cheap shoes made by that guy who was in the NBA a million years ago. It will come to me in the shower tomorrow.

I had a pair of jeans from that line that were my favorite jeans for years. And a shirt that I adored. I'm sure the new line will be much pricier, but the the stuff is as cute and comfy, I'm in.