No, Fresca is sugar free! That's why you spray yourself with Fresca and not Sierra Mist or some ant-attracting garbage like that.
No, Fresca is sugar free! That's why you spray yourself with Fresca and not Sierra Mist or some ant-attracting garbage like that.
What does it say about me that I don't even want to read the article because I don't want to learn something that will help me stop procrastinating because that might result in me doing the things I really don't feel like doing?
A couple friends and I saw several pictures of hair like this the other day. I asked when the over-the-top extensions trend would finally die a fiery death. One of the friends said "extensions? Those are extensions?" I think as long as boneheads still think it looks real, we are going to keep seeing it.
That's a tricky situation. Maybe try organizing some group events with her and other co-workers and see if something evolves when you see each other outside of the office in a non-datey situation?
This works for non-color related style issues, as well. My mother has absolutely no concept of what looks good on her shape. She also can't look at something on a rack and have some idea of what it will look like on. Left to her own devices, she buys things in fabrics she likes with no regard for how the cut of the…
Do you think people put shoes on to have their picture taken, or do that many people really wear shoes in the house?
Not just you. My first thought was "um…that is not Kristen Wiig. That is Kate Walsh."
It's kismet.
Yes, please, And when you're done, if you could build a time machine and publish that article about 8 years ago, I'd really appreciate it.
Ooh, this is a fun one.
Well, you got me there. I need a snack. Do you have string cheese? I want string cheese.
Why malign the meerkats?
That's why I have a trainer. I do group sessions so I have to answer to not just her, but three other people if I don't show. That has been enough for me to not miss a single appointment, (aside from when violently ill or out of town), for two years. Not only that, but she's at the gym all the damn time and notices if…
I think Amy Poehler is straddling a stool.
I just did this with my vent filters, (which haven't had a good cleaning in at least five years), and there was no where near enough grease to be concerned about dumping the water down the drain. The water was a little murky, but that's it. No awful grease ring on the pot, no grease drops in the water. It makes me…
It says "made from: a glen of anhydrous soap, sodium carbonate, sodium borate, and a natural inert material filler." So, dry soap, washing soda, and borax? I wonder if you could just mix those three ingredients with a little water to make a paste and use that.
I hesitate to put this here because I believe this was a QVC exclusive and it appears it's no longer available, but maybe some of you have a tub of this lying around that you've forgotten about. It is the BEST oven cleaner. It's also great at getting grime of kitchen cabinets and making stainless steel look brand new.…
Um, what are you talking about? I asked what reasons different people have for worrying their laptop will be tampered with. How is that me saying I'm ok with government invasion? I'm going to assume you meant to post this somewhere else, because otherwise it makes no sense.
I wish I had known about this when I was a kid and my mom and sis would break into my diary and halloween candy stash.