Goddammit, Internet...
Goddammit, Internet...
Stop it, Snoopy.
I must be confused about definitions here...
“This one”
If anyone deserves to get their shit pirated, it’s EA. Nickel and dime you straight to hell given the chance.
They always do this crap. It’ll be polished in the Blu Ray release.
I know, and even worse, it knows.
Look at him go. It’s unnatural.
They fight a war against nature’s most evil creations everyday.
Nope. The only times Batman wins are when the writer has a hard-on for him. And even then, it has never happened in canon.
It used to be a normal one before she ripped it off the previous owner.
Bah humbug
So, she names her girl Jagger Snow and you rag on the font?!
I expected more from you, Whitson :P
I am horrified.
That it’s pasted over and over on forums. Hence pasta.
Yeah, he’s wrong. People claim ownership of them all the time. Hell, one of my favorites, Candle Cove, has an author.
Or do they...?
Only 3 minutes too, dammit all to Hell... I’ve been totally bro-wned (damn, sounded better in my head)