Ann Hiro

I just want it out there so we can all move on and the Snyder ass-kissers can shut up.

I just want it out there so we can all move on and the Snyder ass-kissers can shut up.

12 more years to go!

My work laptop disabled USB drive access.

This movie just gets worse the deeper you go into it

DC is changing their name to BC anyway.

Preferred diet is tendies with hunny mussy, guaranteed.

Another plus. You can put in recipes for stuff you cook, it will break down the macros for you. And you can reuse those recipes next time you eat it.

Maybe they'll finally show it in a movie.

As long as it makes you feel superior

Robin Hood: Men in Tights begs to differ.

Nonsense! Why do you hate FREEDOM™?

The color scheme is Mega Man’s. Also the sneakers have a metallic shine, because robots.

Hey! There’s no price in getting hit by a car!

Hey! There’s no price in getting hit by a car!

Taking all bets on which fan favorite will die a useless death for pure shock value.

Yeah that’s a pretty low bar to clear

Well that just sounds delicious

Seriously fuck Meereen

I’d watch that

Can you try a little more judgmental? I don’t think you conveyed enough.

Until someone reminds him in that interview