I just want it out there so we can all move on and the Snyder ass-kissers can shut up.
I just want it out there so we can all move on and the Snyder ass-kissers can shut up.
I just want it out there so we can all move on and the Snyder ass-kissers can shut up.
I just want it out there so we can all move on and the Snyder ass-kissers can shut up.
My work laptop disabled USB drive access.
This movie just gets worse the deeper you go into it
Preferred diet is tendies with hunny mussy, guaranteed.
Another plus. You can put in recipes for stuff you cook, it will break down the macros for you. And you can reuse those recipes next time you eat it.
As long as it makes you feel superior
The color scheme is Mega Man’s. Also the sneakers have a metallic shine, because robots.
Hey! There’s no price in getting hit by a car!
Hey! There’s no price in getting hit by a car!
Well that just sounds delicious
Can you try a little more judgmental? I don’t think you conveyed enough.
I prefer the TFS voice because the English dub suuuuuuuuuuuuucks
Thanks for the spoiler. Didn’t know there was a DLC.
You’re reviving a 3 year old discussion, but please learn to read. That pay you get just for showing up and doing your work? It’s called a wage. You are not entitled to tips just for showing up. It’s not a hard concept.
Hey, say what you want about the movie, but Michael Shannon was amazing.
With Wilson Fisk as Thor
Get out.
Those two (huge) military achievements? The work of Tywin and Tyrion Lannister. The wonder twins don’t hold a candle to either of them.
I was young and naïve when I originally wrote that, and the world still made sense then. I know better now.
I feel terrible whenever I have to get rid of them. I get that you have to or they will take over. But I still feel terrible. They’re just trying to do their job :(