Ann Hiro

Sounds wrong to me, but I see what you’re saying.

Fun piece of trivia.

Including Toriyama.

Dat dubbing.

Meh... I want a new Elder Scrolls :3

What world do you live in? You can’t seriously be this dense.

How about you stop dictating what people are allowed to like?

Never said monster, you may unbunch your panties. I said you are either incredibly naïve or just plain dumb if you truly believe the people that did the work are being paid with the rules as they are today. And the reason those rules have even slightly changed was because of people disrupting them, mostly through

You are the RIAA and MPAA’s wet dream. Someone who not only plays by the rules they set up to enrich themselves, but actually believes the rubbish they spew.

Once someone decides to deep fry candy bars, they clearly have transcended the concept of danger.

You did :P

Nope, read the comment I made to Munchkin, Reed is actually worse than Hank.

The bad part about that is that, for non Ant-Man fans (read: everyone), that is all Hank Pym is known for, and that original panel was originally supposed to be him just pushing her away. The artist got creative and decided to make him full on backhand her shit.


you can always go back to something like Internet Explorer
