Ann Hiro

And we already established his memory is that of a goldfish.

What a badass.

The EX characters are tricky since Capcom doesn't own the rights completely.

I think the El Fuerte voice and portrait made that pretty clear.

And more importantly, if they hate them and want them to fail, why are they paying them money to develop their games?

I just peed on your comment.


See what I mean? :P

Actually no, this is a hyperbole

Pshhh, yeah...

I thought that was common knowledge.

Not as a parody, read the first Liefeld (yes, that dicksplash 'created' Deadpool) comics and he's a straight up 90's character, no 4th wall breaking, no sense of humour. Just guns, and lots of them.

Technically you always have to pronounce the u at the end, but if there's a long u there, it's enforced, and it's a different sound :P

Dude, Bieber does not look like a boy, at all.

It totally is, ask your chemistry teacher about Doukenite. If he claims he's never heard of it, it just means he never became a real chemist.

The long u makes more sense in other kinds of words, since some tend to end in a u, the long u is to make sure there is a u sound pronounced. Like 'Shinkuu' [as in Hadouken] If there were no long u sound there, it could be pronounced shink.

Satsui (not setsui) no Hadou [Sah-tsoo-ee Naw Hah-dawh]
