Ann Hiro

What "science" has disproven evolution? And "science" is based on evolution?

So, when can we stop pretending this person is an "artist"?

Arest thou OK? Buster Ulfr!

Uncanny Valley, thy name is Joan.

You don't want to know.

NES/SNES are probably pretty similar looking

This is so cool.

Clever girl.

The woman who saw her family in danger of a riptide and saved all of them?

Quite the contrary, I'm still upset the ferret never called back :(

The guy next to him and his expectant look is hilarious.

Welcome to the internet. We hope you enjoy your stay.

I really have nothing more to add.

Well, I do, and anyone who doesn't like it can go frog themselves.

Oh lord, I read that as piercing a hole in a gun and chuckled, then I got that you meant a gun that pierces holes and felt embarrassed.

Ewww, why would you keep toes and fingers in a book?

Can I stalk your kid with a horn in hand?

Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?