Ann Hiro

I like their oats.

Been there, never cared. I've been told several times, usually when my legs are on display, that I need a beach vacation urgently. I just reflect more sunlight in their eyes :P

Just doing Darwin's work. I say let it continue.

Is that unholy abomination a thing?

Gum rappers

Once you go black, you never go back to the limelight...

Where did you say you drink, again?

Paging Dr. Freud.

I couldn't get past the designs, tbh. Seeing Blanka cosplay as the Joker killed it for me.

He's probably prepping him for a life of debauchery and other seediness, much like his own.

There's that teenager logic of "What does he know, he's only the chemistry teacher. I'm a teenager, I know everything!".

What if my jammies are tight. Will that do?

So, wait, does that mean I can show up on volunteer work in my jammies and foofy slippers??

That is hardly clapping wildly.

Fifthing this request, you can't leave us hanging after that masterful pitch :P

If your dad didn't teach you not to judge people you don't know, he's a dick.

I was wondering where I could get that book the guy's holding.

I think it takes a couple of posts of yours to get recommended before you get to post without going through the "pending submissions" thing, but don't quote me on this. Just something I noticed from io9.

This design needs to happen.

The idea wasn't bad, the execution was ghastly.