Dial-up is Satan himself.
Dial-up is Satan himself.
No, you're right, sometimes I feel like not doing my hair, so I should be able to come to work with bed head and not be called unprofessional. And why shower, while we're at it?
Isn't he Canadian, though?
Well, he looks nothing like Randall Munroe draws him.
Ahhh yes, good ol' Ollie. That Wayne guy keeps luring children in, something is amiss.
It's what Bieber fangirl conversation devolves (evolves?) into when you're not paying attention.
>I think my perception of time itself is fundamentally screwed
I still can't believe RuPaul's 53.
Will Smith is truly a prophet of our times.
He'd probably enjoy nipple lightning, too.
Silly Hermione, everyone knows Seth McFarlane can't write.
ET: Arabic Edition.
Surely you don't mean Bruce Wayne and his ward, young Dick Grayson?
Because do as I say, not do as I do works wonderfully, amirite?
That's just mean.
That sounds mighty interesting.
An ad for a wrasslin' game :P
"Hey! Wanna fight?"
It's not a high horse, hell it's not even a small donkey.
He's going to Wrestlemania.