Ann Hiro

What I don't get is that you're not allowed to compliment someone's look without having to be a member of their race... really?

Wear sleeves/pants, problem solved.

Goth hipster?

Windows 8 is always considerably snappier and performs better than my linux distros

Y'know, I read this as Chef 5 Minute Meals are Self-Hating Go-To Power Outage Food

What the hell? I never watched that movie because I figured it was another sappy teen movie.

I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing. Lifting stuff from your earlier works is a common practice, although talented writers tend to at least try masking said self-plagiarism.

Really... You think everyone on Earth follows Harry Potter fanfiction.

What the hell? At that age, the most gruesome thing I could come up with was what Fatality to use on Kano.

What is wrong with you, indeed.

It's better, but the leaks are still there.

No worries, I liked your comment, just needed a slight correction.

Try < instead of [.

I know what you mean. We all have those moments when you're on the way home and go "Dammit, that's what I should've said"

This last one is funny though, it's called AdrianJean and it's mentioning both Adrian and Jean.

A lovely, smart and beautiful woman, I'm sure :D


I'm snarky and swear like a sailor, so I probably wouldn't do that well in your workplace.

It's about time they did per-window private browsing.

Yes! I'm usually shunned by my family and friends when that movie crops up as a subject.