But some crocodilians are known to take care of their young.
But some crocodilians are known to take care of their young.
PETA sucks, I agree only in spirit with what they do, since well, www.petakillsanimals.com
Americans love to hate soccer (read: REAL football), but it makes for a much more entertaining sport, even if you don't see as [artificially inflated] high scoring as in american football. If you want an unabashedly uncivilized game, watch rugby. It's not a real match unless someone's bleeding.
The purse thing isn't such bad advice, it's a lot easier to snatch a purse than a backpack.
I hate cursive. Makes me murderous.
Can't I have both? :(
That's because who could ever take interest in football?
Red and white obviously says "I AM WOMAN!", just look at Jez.
Well, it's not like you molested him.
The gun part made that kinda obvious.
I beg to differ, I think it looks perfectly fine.
You know, if this were cancer or AIDS, I'd agree with you. But when it comes to addiction, like I said, you have to want it.
I'm being devil's advocate here, as I'm usually as much of a hardass as you're implying you are with your posts. But one thing I absolutely have to make clear here is that I'm not saying they're right. I'm saying that these people have as much right to have their [wrong] opinion as you, that's one of the central…
I thought macs "just worked"TM
Dude, computer.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
If anyone's gonna ask me to bend over in public, that someone better have paid for a decent dinner and a movie at the very least.
So, where do I donate for this upstanding wrongfully convicted man's defense so that he can take care of Bieber?
The problem is you have to want to recover.
He showed up at a kids' hospital unannounced in full Capt. Jack Sparrow attire.