Angry Wasp

Like you said, we need to stop buying broken games before that will happen. And with the kind of money these companies can pour into marketing, I don't see that happening. It'll probably get a lot worse before it gets better.

If a company sold a shovel that didn't dig, that company would cease to exist. Yet here we are, getting screwed launch after launch, and letting it happen.

I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.

My brain: Oh my god is that Josephine? Does she finally leave behind her clipboard and little candle? ... Nope that's probably just his Inquisitor. Josephine would never put down her clipboard and candle.

"A telltale sign of a true narcissist is the inability to tolerate challenges to their cognitive distortions (e.g. challenging their perceived grandiosity or their views on damn near anything)."

If you watched the video, its on xbox. So about what you said?

I'd also point out, that if people are super serious about journalism ethics, there's far more widespread concerns than Gamergate's focus.

I've been saying this for a while now.

I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).

Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained

Conceiving a child out of wedlock, falling asleep during meetings, cold and distant to his kids, repeating movie plotlines as though they had actually happened...

Don't forget adultery, divorce, and a gay son!

....Increasing taxes on the middle class, ballooning our deficit, shutting down mental health facilities....

This mural is missing a few things... A guy selling arms to Iran, slaughtered nuns in Central America, Reagan laughing at guys dying of AIDS...

Passing on the right was not the issue here though..... It was the 4-lane single move and her not looking far enough up the road ahead to know the lorry was there....

this shit is out of hand.

I was raised by a Marine, but I lean farther left the older I get. I'm a raging lefty, more or less, and probably even leaning toward total pacifist... So I'm perhaps not your target audience?

No, the AC-130 does not do everything the A-10 does, in fact it simply cannot do everything the A-10 can do and survive. The A-10 is simply the most reliable and the toughest anti vehicle aircraft on the planet. I watched one of them land in Saudi Arabia with half of a wing missing!! You cant get much better than

I think the A-10 is a shit-ton more survivable than an AC-130... A-10 was designed to have one of its engines blown clean off by a MANPAD and still get home... C130 not so much...

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

It's also good to note that being too combative in 1 or 2 can be deadly, resources are more scarce and the enemies are more difficult to kill (until you become better equipped, but even then).