Angry Wasp

Well Affleck is actually taller than Caville.

Beale is a white supremacist, he called a black author a savage and suggested self defense laws were for whites to kill people like her.

When I first read it in the book, I remember putting the book down for a good 15 minutes.

Remember everyone taxes are rape.

Nope, but I do argue that people who literally believe that paying taxes is comparable toslavery are wrong in the head.

Lets see here, making it so that a fictional entity somehow owns property, making it so that said fictional entity is now able to own what a man created 80 years ago for incrasing amounts of time. Yeah that’s increasing privileges for some. But then once again Libertarian, Liberty for me and not for thee is the

Oh lol the libertarian will now compare having to pay taxes to chattel slavery. I think you show why you canot be taken seriously, you think that not granting corps special privileges is the same as slavery. I think there can be no discussion now because you obviously live in an entire different dimension from normal

This would have to star this man,

Although I can easily figure it out. Libertarians really are oinly about liberty for me and not for thee.

How are laws that expand the definition of property for some a intrusion into the free market? I wonder how giving some extra privileges intrudes into the free market you claim to love.

Actually it does, it can just get rid of DCMA, which is a government intrusion into the free market. Libertarian.

Give them one, use some napalm and end them.

There are also now people passing off their own paintings as his.

This would make more sense if it started with Flash, its a little more out there than Arrow.

Only going to happen with Supergirl, and then it have to be with Mxyzylpltk.

How many do you think the Saudi's military will lose from their pilots being drunk?

Dragon Bone Chair is good, but the second is a slog.

This, it really isn't bad, just to long.

I actually think this movie has some value, but yes you can skip it after they get out of the woods.