Angry Wasp

Being that the last one glorified the Borubons maybe this will glorify imperialism.

You have something very wrong with you.

On one hand I cannot defend this kind of theft, but knowing that Walmart is a complete asshole to its suppliers and its employees makes me not in any way feel any empathy for them.

Its more ASOIAF, WOT, with a bit of LOTR.

This should say, Welfare Queen claims evolution is not true.

1. Fallout 2, perhaps after marrowind is one of the most immersive rpg games ever made. Fixes all the problems of the first game, and also still has a strong modding scene.

Considerning about 45% of Texas hates the right wing aprt. I say its better to fund a insurgency there.

I want this fukcer to try, then we can do what is neceserry to him and the othber creatures. I say this time we take a page from Rome, the citites where they are the majority will be laid waste and salted, the populations will be dispersed throuhout the rest of the usa and new people will come to settle them. I guess

Seriously the F35 is the biggest clusterfuck of all time.

Did they penalize Teebrow?

I have with the help of Brown Moses, actually was part of a team skype with him long before the media knew who he was.

A youtube video doesn't prove you right Russian. Also a referendum here people who vote the other way are brutalized is not a referendum, not that you would recognize that. Also murder, you mean like all the pro Ukrainians who have dissapeared in Donetsk.

If you mean, bombarding a rebels position in Luhanks, well its called war, and the rebels hae routinely made civilians the target, so you do not have a leg to stand on, and unlike the Israelis the Ukranians actually try to protect civilians,. BTW Russian be prepared for anther Smuta.

Remember everyone russian supporters logic protestors who push back against police/.= to armed thugs who enrage in the open murder of their fellow Ukrainians and shoot down civilian airliners.

No, If Russia is going to try to anschuls the eastern Ukraine I say its time to let them reap the whirlwind, make them remember their last little foray into a foreign country 35 years ago.

So then you're fucked either way.

Well being that its being talked about the next avengers introducing the "Inhumans" this could be done.

I would, I've had it happen while drving to Chicago that there were three super cars driving in and out of traffic, I didn't notice them until they were less then a 1/8th of a mile a way and I was beginning to pass a semi, those three tailgated me while I tried to to get pass the semi, really was not a fun experience.

How safe would you feel if there were a bunch of cars racing around you?

1. They know better.