Angry Wasp

And then the turks ethnically cleansed them. Really it seems like the area of Asia Minor and the Balkans at the time was a great place to massacre another ethnic group for perceived slights.

The "separatists" are mostly russians, and not ethnic russians, as in people from Russia.

You respond by quoting a obviously biased website. Thank you monster for showing that you were deceiving people in claiming to be reasonable. Albeit that is one of the traits of sociopaths.

I realized from past experience that showing you the proof didn't matter. You at the end of the day want your taxes to be low and thats it. Concern for other humans is beyond you. Really I think that should be a reason for ones removal from society.

Seriously what was going on with Shamylan thinking that scene would be acceptable? OF course it doesn't help he decided to pan the entire fucking shot, you know when perhaps it would have been better to take a dozen or show shots. The guy besides not knowing how to write a script cannot do action.

I could care less about animals being tested, Humans always come first.

I don't need to. You are a horrible monster.

Someone who wants millions to die wouldn't be able to recognize it.

you for showing libertarian that at the end of the day. Millions must die for your ideology to be satisfied. What a soulless creature.

Yeah we shout back because for so long we were shouted at. Also climate modeling is quite accurate despite what you might think libertarian.

I would prefer instead we need to subsidizing alternative fuels. libertarian.

Really is it hyperbolic to suppose that famines kill millions Libertarian?

Thank you for admitting what its really about, you're libertarian religion is hurt by the facts. Your religion comes first over the lives of millions.

None of them look like Trolls.

This, the guy was given complete editorial control over that! COMPLETE EDITORIAL CONTROL. This was after "The Happening" which he also had complete control over had proven to be a dud. Also he had no experience with a Action adventure movie, I mean besides the horrible script, the movie has a huge problem with the

What the hell, its my sisters Fiancee.

Yeah, we wouldn't launch 1 if we were going for a first strike, The Russians would no if there was a first strike happening.

Remember that MGM is still cash strapped, they do this because they really cannot afford a screw up that could result with an untested new property. Now yes this isn't that good of an idea either, but when one considers their straits it makes perfect sense.

That was in the Phantom Menace.