Angry Wasp

Sorry, my bad.

No' those who denied deserve to be employed in the building of dikes.

Yeah, despite the fact that the rise in Co2 has to do with our emissions. But then admitting the truth would destroy your religion.

Oh now we go into, well is it morally right to "change the climate. Yes if it means less humans die then yes we should.It really is that simple and if that somehow hurts your politics to bad. If people have to die for your politics, you are a bad person.

Holy shit you are right. Seriously, this show is utterly fucked. If Warner Bros wants this to succeed it will have to completely clean house at CN. Basically take out the long knives to the entire old guard and start over, because they have a clear agenda at killing DC shows out of blind idiocy.

That was one of the few ideas I liked from the series.

Hopefully for their own sake they put it on the CW. In fact I think from now on they should just put out all DC stuff on the CW.

Makes me think of the ALfinn in Wheel of Time

Even better, Eye of Crom.


Remember how everyone has been badmothing the now defunct EU? Yeah, this makes most of it look good.

Well they'll be in good company with Iran's Drone Fleet.

Yeah when it comes to the environmentalist crowd I generally ignore them. I say full steam ahead with whatever reduces emissions.

Yeah your bitching about birds is disengenous, coal kills thousands of animals in extracting it.

There already are, in Canada yeah they aren't the Breeders everyone gushes about, but if we built those they could work.

What would be great would be if they could do it like a Worlds Greatest except with Oliver and Bruce.

Hell, no it would be a great way to increase ratings, also once agents of shield started to tie itself to the movies directly it got extremely good. I say make the two .

Seriously some thorium reactors is what we need. Although as the tax payer subsidized Kochs would say, this is SOCIALISM!

You do know that they won't close down all coal plants right? Also there is a great alternative, thorium reactors.

WTF! He was writing fan mail to Ditko?