Angry Wasp

This should be obvious, the green goblin is nothing more then the tendency of capitalism to use war as a means to make money.

Yes, as he should, that movie is a giant clusterfuck.

I loved Pacific Rim, but when it was released it didn't make its budget back in the USA which traditionally (although thankfully not anymore) isn't a good sing, and remember there is a big deal made about asking the budget back and twice that.

1. It was bb gun.

Your missing the wonderful Cardassian Prison wardrobe.

Seriously the best episode.

Don't fuck with Nausicans.

Darmok is such a good episode.

Thanks, the last time I used a gun was in boyscouts when I was 14, and that was 11 years ago.

Thanks, I assumed so to, but I guess I just find it hard to believe that you could replace all the various metal parts with just carbon.

Could someone explain to me how the 3d firearm actually fires? Do they have any metal parts in them?

Which episode is that from?

Rollerblading, what kind of philistine exercises to Jazz?

Nothing wrong with tat.

Oh look the other sociopath appears and intentionally puts words in my mouth. I do think if global warming does any good it will ensure that sociopathy will be a thing of the past.

Now playing

The song their playing sounds like the Harmony from the Coup's "The Guillotine"

Remember that its always been part of the story that planet is about to explode and no one will listen to Jor-El. You can blame alot on Znyder, but not the origin.

Oh look a sociopath makes an appearance.

Project Orion probably is our best bet for space travel though.