Angry Wasp

Ian McNiece. also was originally cast as Illyrio in the pilot.

Indeed, also Baron Harkonnen in the Sci Fi Dune Miniseries.

Your thinking of someone else.

Now I know he is in ADWD but it be nice to see him introduced.

It should be noted that when it comes to centralized power generation I want states and municipalities to control the production of power not some company.

Yeah lot of the anti vaxxers don't do it because of religion, they do it because mccartney told them.

Olivia, my eldest daughter, caught measles when she was seven years old. As the illness took its usual course I can remember reading to her often in bed and not feeling particularly alarmed about it. Then one morning, when she was well on the road to recovery, I was sitting on her bed showing her how to fashion

Considering WoT is owned by Comcast, why not try to GOT that?

I couldn't agree more, actually I think parents who don't immunize should be charged with child endangerment.

He also played smee in that forgettable sic fi peter pan origin movie.

I actually liked the later Dark Horse stuff, although Dark Empire and the early tales of the Jedi was generally poor. Also note how I was saying they should use parts of it, certainly not all of it.

#9 I believe it has been theorized that he has a bit of the creators power now in him. Not Saidar or Saidin, but the direct power.

Which is entirely to Disney's detriment. The EU should be treated like the Marvel properties as a way to come up with new material, rather than be thrown to side.

Maybe the Eu should be used if he cannot think up roles for women.

Chernobyl should never have been built with its design, and the radiation in the pacific ocean is extremely diluted.

Yes I was a child. Parent got a better job in another city.

Having lived near a nuclear reactor, I could care less if green mouth breathers think that they are about to be subject to another chernobyl. Also why can we not research thorium breeder reactors?

I am getting out my gloves.

Take back those words about demolition man.