Angry Wasp

With the discography of Manowar, I mean a film that is 75% about men just slaughtering their enemies deserves a band that sing entirely about that.

already done with Manowar.

superman 64 is a great game.

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For all the problems of the Snyder film I can say it certainly isn't a lowpoint, not by far.

The one good thing that came out of that was Kingdom come which is actually featured in that montage.

Seriously this is a great salute to superman, no matter what you might think about Zach Snyder.

Yes, but its a understandable reason.

It e3ven make sense with the show, Oliver must make up for his families crimes.

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Not nearly as good as the star wars table reading with the cast of animaniacs and futurama.

Isabels story irked me. I would have liked to have played on her being a orphan from Russia by having it so that the town she was born in had its factory bought by Robert Queen and her family got torn apart by this, leading her to the orphanage.

Most of the people I know though don't much care about science. I don't think that entered the equation.

I would say it is the latter, the number of friends I have who identify as "spiritual" but are not part of a church is huge. Alot also say they do not like the homophobia and hypocrisy and christianity, this includes the two republicans I know who say this. Guess who perpetuated the homophobia, the Christian right,

I just wanted to see her hurt. She was torturing animals.

You are an evil person.

By metal do they mean numetal and its "derivatives" (shudders). Or good stuff liek Iron Maiden?

My amin thing is that if superman is so pure and everything why didn't he become a blue lantern? Or being that he generally has a strong willpower, a green in the regular continuity? Why not just eliminate the question entirely?

Damn it I was going to use my copy of Empire of the Steppes to tell about this. Seriously the mongols changed the face of the world forever, when one considers they may have caused the little ice age.

I always felt that it would have been better to just give a bs reason so that kryptonians could just not be Green lanterns, gives them to much power.

It could be done at maximum in 12 episodes. So thats why I didn't mention Game of Thrones.