Angry Wasp

A sociopath sees not persons, but tools to be used and discarded at a whim.

Ah I see you no longer can actually deny that my idea has validity, and instead are resorting to NO U. I have to ask you though why the love for those who see you as something they can use?

I am showing empathy for those who literally don't see life as, I have to screw everyone who gets in my way. Became they are the ones who end up getting screwed by the sociopath that you feel is in need of special protection.

Well you see that thankfully there is a specific criteria that must be met for one to be classified as a sociopath, so the only reason one would have to fear such a system was if they were a sociopath.

Than maybe we should make it so that such a person never has the chance at power again.

Why, sociopaths show no concern for their fellow man, and always seek to screw everyone else over? How is it psychopathic to want to want to prevent that?

It applies to tim draper.

As I say on the parent site, this makes me just want to make it so everyone is required for a mandatory screening for sociopath, and those found to be sociopaths should be lockup in a mental institution for life.

Why will the hobbit do that, the movies have gotten fresh ratings from critics, and the movies have already had qaudruple the return of the cost of filming them, really it actually makes it more likely because it means that there is a market out there that will certainly need to filled, in fact I would argue that it

An older bruce needs a suit that actually works for his age.

That was the point, all the fans would see that this wasn't just one film, this was going to be the entire trilogy, also it did well the assuage anyone fears that they were going to extremely truncate the series.

All ture, although I would argue it does have a bit more than most if only because Tolkien worked on the world of middle earth from 1916 to the day he died in 1973.

This is Mama, there are two judges in this block, I want them dead.

Remember to show Mama the respect she deserves in Peach Trees.

Looks like Yugoslavia.

Hey he kept the town working overall well for a hundred years, who cares if a dozen or so children went missing?

Damn it, you stole mine.

This is one of my all time favorite books, it really does show a dystopia that isn't that far off when one looks at a certain country's in the world. It shows just how man can utterly corrupt religion and turn it into a monster and how man can entirely criminalize effectively a gender.

Watterson will go on a murderous rampage before that happens.