Angry Wasp

If only this wasn't in electronica.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

This looks likes (a more) drug fueled version of Heavy metal.

Yes as a christian, I insensitivity want to burn all scientific discoveries, because some athiests claims that these discoveries threatening to me.

Your right, but you don't achieve that by dropping them. You build that infrastructure, and those jobs and then wean them.

It is so nice when the one who has everything says that those with nothing who are given scraps that they cannot survive on are somehow without dignity.

AKA I am a libertarian, thanks for showing your hand.

So kent hovind is right!

Your right, but we can in general give a good estimation on the relative temps.

Ever heard of ice cores? Yeah their in glaciers all over the world and when you drill in them, you can record the atmosphere as it was say 10,000 or even 100,000 years ago. Happy to teach you.

Here's a great video that works.

Yes considering the first episode is a pilot.

Your right Babylon 5 was the all aroundnd better show, not that 90s adventure show that only got good in season 5.

The ongoing situation in Rhode Island leading to the Dorr Rebellion. Also many southern unionists were non slave owning whites who were angry at the 3/5ths clause allowing for a monopoly of power by slave owners in their states already those sentiments were around in the 1830s.

Just use the wiki to update yourself and miss 9 and 10 and you can go through there.

Same here, the only thing I really was unhappy with was that it really did need a hundred extra pages to give us some real endings for the characters.

No I'm not. Already at the time in the UK you had similar arguments being made against the corrupt and unequal parliament, as were being made about the nonrepresentational situation in American states in regards to whites. Also my remarks on Scandinavia are about the xenophobia now, not about the xenophobia in

Even then I would argue that his book showed someone looking at america through rose tinte glasses. He certainly was ignoring several problems, like how several states in both the south and the north east had little representation for those with little. Really the book is like the books a left winger writes about

Whats with the crying Italian?