Angry Wasp
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I would like to suggest one other person. Alex Alice.

Yeah both sides are neoliberal.

Maybe they shouldn't have been privatized then. Maybe neoliberals are a parasite that needs to be dealt with.

Seriously why this isn't getting any respect is beyond me. This show influenced Ron Moore, jm straczynski, and almost certainly Whedon. It provided a excellent deconstruction of the utopian space opera and with a alright special affects budget it would be enjoyable to a wider audience.

I want Hawk Girl instead.

ah the armchair musician such a vaunted, position.

This picture could have funded SNAP.

No the sociopath cannot stand having to answer to their "lessers" in any way or have to help anyone else despite being raised by them. Government came into being because large organizations are hierarchical and a need to reduce squabbling and violence as sociology has shown us the leading cause of death within the

The sociopath and his collected ilk are the greatest threat to America and all humans.

Also who can forget this. They Live 1988.

I believe you mean rich sociopaths.

Is tim draper a sociopath in needing of involuntary incarceration?>\

Furthermore unlike this it was hardly marketed.

Thats the movie. Which isn't actually that good. The show is all around better.

I hope your right. Because right now it seems to be sliding into a soulless neoliberal dystopia.

Isn't this where he kills Amerizilla?

The UK I am generally convinced will not be there in 50 years with all the insanity going on there. Also its becoming a bigger corporate dystopia than the USA.