Angry Wasp

All I want is Jack Kirby to be given proper credit this time.

Remember though, said teachers are actually paid well. Also they do not have our fetish for Charter schools.

Its a joke about what happened to the hotbed of secession that was South western Missouri in the civil war.

I think we need to redo General Order number 11.

You know when you say that, it could be that the story of lot came after ezikiel.

"'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.

My solution to the off world colony.

He's a libertarian so logic is kind of his weak suit.

Left wing policies like privatization, lowering taxes, going on wars to spread neoliberalism, oh and embracing "market solutions"

I'm thinking less blade runner and more Elysium.

The same is true in Alaska they have had record breaking temperatures all winter.

No you are showing yourself as a traitor.

Because it is traitor. Go live in Russia.

Oh look a traitorous sociopath. For the nation to have a more perfect union we will have to use another solution to save it.

So I should be proud of my cousins weremacht grandfather?

Damn it did it auto correct again?

Hell when I saw the preview on Arrow I immediately said to myself it was a new Boswell.

I havn't read the recent comics because I have to much else to read. Cold Fire Trilogy, Mistborn, Shikasta.

Imagine her killing the denizens of Ares with that bow.

And yet in several Hadiths they are forbade from doing the exact same thing. It really is like the bible. Of course I do have to ask if you got that from wiki islam. A website run by a guy who thinks Obama is a muslim plant.