Angry Wasp

Considering whedon was in Britain when this was on I have to wonder if he wasn't influenced by it.

Also this is practically canon except for copyright problems.

Why not instead of star wars.

Most biblical litteralists are only "litteral" when it comes to gays and Genesis.

Well now thanks to Jindal private southern baptist schools get public funds.

Yay Minnesota!

So does london.

Thelondon that is being built is certainly not built for the common folk, its being built for the big shots, the foreign billionaires, and the children of millionaires.

I do understand that, however I feel you need to have a respect for your history or else you will have no cultural soul.

Yes notice how that is nowhere near the historic part. Not so in London. When I was in paris I felt a soul to that city. When I was in London, I felt nothing in almost any part of it. There is no place to identify the city.

these are horrible. This is why Paris is so wonderful.

Also it helped that the leader of the Allied forces was of german ancestry and the mayor of New York was Italian American.

Its just that I was talking with a eighteen year old and they never heard of that masterpiece.

The only thing worse is the Zuttara fan girls.

This is why you never take part in shipping wars.

tv show + 6 movies vs 2 movies, still cannot be compared.

My question is suppose someone did develop a effective Missie Defense, and it was proliferated to the major powers, would this not increase the chances of war?