
The SNP bill was killed, but the Tories have their own bill. They could have just easily accepted that bill which was better. Basically he did it because he wanted his bill to go through and did not want the SNP to receive the praise. Wanker.

Aaaaand the bill was killed by a Tory minister in the House of Commons because he didn’t want it pardoning pedophiles.

Lol at this entire comment. It’s not trump supporter or Hillary from day one supporter. You don’t get super special bonus points for supporting Hillary in the primaries at the voting booth in November. People who originally supported Bernie are largely Hillary supporters now.

Yeah, nitpicking and insulting folks who agree on a multitude of similar issues is probably the best way to get them to side with you.

Either go whole hog on Hillary or accept that you’re going to be lumped in with Trump supporters in the baskets upon baskets of deplorables.

Actually no, if you’re hopeful for the future of the Democratic party, you should preface it with “not my first choice”. We sure ran the weakest candidate we could:(

I always vote based on the principle of ‘The lesser of two evils’. As a Brit, I’m somewhat less invested in the minutiae, but even I know that Trump in the White House would be the most terrifying possible outcome in more ways than I can imagine. If you’re looking for altruism and honesty in your politicians, you’ll

You’re the kind of person who needs to stop talking. Clinton is a good candidate, but she’s not perfect. A lot of the issues where she isn’t are sticking points for a lot of people, and those grievances are perfectly legitimate to have. We still need those people to vote for her, though, so antagonizing Bernie

It’s an important distinction for me and the fact that I choose to articulate that when discussing Hillary has nothing to do with being a hipster. I said I’m voting for her. How “on board” that comes across to you is irrelevant to me.

And you don’t have to hold a grudge either.

God, shut the fuck up. We are still allowed to tell the world that Hillary makes us hold our noses at the ballot box, because you have to be insane to be “whole hog” for Hillary. She is terrible, it’s just that the other guy is worse.

That’s what American democracy needs - more “either you’re with us, or you’re the enemy” thinking! (/sarcasm)

What do you mean people have to go “whole hog”? A vote counts as a vote. If you don’t particularly like a candidate it doesn’t mean the actual vote counts less.

The OP said that they are supporting Hillary. If that’s not enough to not be lumped in with the “deplorables” than you are a fool.

Not much of a Hillary fan, but I thoroughly enjoyed feeling all my “please don’t fuck this up” anxiety turn to glee as she began to mop the floor with him.

I really don’t have many friends on FB at all and it’s so funny to see the people still proclaiming “Both candidates are awful! I can’t stand either of them.”

Cannot unread. Gah.

Yes they do and it is delightful.


Don’t the actors hate each other? I thought by now one of them would have tried to murder the other to get out of having to keep making these shitty movies.