
That’s it?! That’s what everyone was going on about? Jesus, that’s weak.

I wish Scotland was warmer.

Both yourself and sgtyukon are horribly, terribly wrong.

The fact I live in Edinburgh now must be the reason I just had to Google pagger.

Mental. Glasgow is emotionally mental.

Reminds me of fans reaction to Ann Hathaway’s catwoman. Very fanciable. But fanciable (and attractively non threatening) does not stand the test of time. Michelle Pfeiffer is still catwoman.

Jessica Jones?

This was clearly reportable under Riddor. The Health and Safety executive were obligated to investigate.

Now playing

Well for one Scotland’s not a region...

I think they're a few actually*. Don't know who they are, but I know that the Scottish articles bring them out.

This is why when changing trains at Kilwinning I STAY IN the train station.

Pretty sure it's Kilwinning.

Errr no, Scottish. Kilwinning is in Scotland. I should know, the train has abandoned me there often enough.

Wonderful, wonderful Argos!

I think you mean 'mum', but whatever.

I know right. Who'd have thought that everyone on TV during our childhood was a pedophile? When it was at it's height our office actually started a game of pedo bingo.

I'm pro indy, in Scotland, and with a not small number of unionist friends and I haven't seen any bad feeling. Make no mistake a large group of people will be v sad post referendum, but I don't see it being a big thing.

I don't like the idea of the Doctor acting like one of those, "Fuck the English!" extremist idiots you see more and more of (I get verbally assaulted by those, honestly bigoted arseholes enough in real life, I don't want my Sci-Fi heroes like that, like Data and Picard indorsing the IRA and Terrorism back in one