
The campaign's been really fun, really inclusive. I think if it was just based on that alone the YESers would have it.

You know I hadn't really considered it. Certainly the fact that I had to briefly leave Scotland to find work (work that used to be available in Scotland until the Tories cut the tax breaks available to my industry) did push me more into the YES camp, but I imagine it could work equally the other way.

Dammit man don't make me question things I vaguely remember from three years ago. Anyways I was mostly right. From Wiki....

You made me spreadsheet!! (I'm lying, I love that shit). So of 47 polls this year 17 of them put the NO lead at 9% or below. I think that's close. Anyways, it's actually better from my perspective if YES are behind. That way the NO's get complacent and the YESers get out and vote (I'm so horribly devious).

Also don't forget you can select different poll sources at the side of that article. The NO's definitely have a lead, but a 'significant lead'?

Yeah, I actually deleted that part because I did the maths only after I posted the comment (Unfortunately I missed my misuse of the correct 'their').

Dude. It's not 61%. In the body of the article....

But it even says in the article that both of the other UK options would require A LOT of work and time. And one's next to an oil refinery and the other couldn't recreate Coulport.

And they've cut funding to wind energy and apparently frackings on the cards. In Scotland! The country's that's notorious for loving windmills and hating earthquakes.

Yep, it's a biggy, but that's not all. Other than Scotland there's no where else in the UK that can house them. So Scottish indy could mean the end of the UK as a nuclear power.

I know right?! It's a good thing he's choosing to use his power of incredible handsomeness for good.

Now playing

Sorry! I did use rather a lot of words, but right now Scotland has indyref on the brain. But no more words! Only amusing Lady Gaga parodies (you can see from this that it's driven us all slightly insane).

Only mad people would vote against indy. Or my friend Bob *shakes head disappointingly*.

Ooooh a number of reasons!

No probs! It's a referendum being held in Scotland on the 18th of Sept this year to decide whether or not Scotland will remain part of the UK. Those voting 'Yes' want independence for Scotland. Those voting 'No' do not.

Okay, I'm going to be totally underhand and cybernaty here but........Sam Heughan is a total YES voter. In that he's in the Vote Yes video.....

Yo! Never had kids and used the copper IUD for years. It was great. I didn't even notice an increase in bleeding.

Yep. But I'm pretty sure she's even skinnier than that normally. I do wonder how much CGI they have planned.

Hey Jezebel! I want to see the unretouched photo.....Because I'm thinking they might have added a tiny bit of muscle to that one. And by tiny bit, I mean a shit load.

Pull the kind of shit you pulled with Misty Day in season 3 and I swear American Horror Story I WILL CUT YOU.