
You think that's bad? This happened a couple of days ago....


Tell that to RTE.

I'm just back from working in Dublin for two years and while Ireland is a wonderful country with a wonderful people there is an anti social element there that seems to do as they please without any fear of the law.

Thank you for this British person reference. I appreciate it.

It's just a fun crazy ride with a bunch of anti-heroes you can't help but love. And it's got Simone's commitment to the characters stamped all over it.

That is exactly what they're doing. Good description.


Also see my post below about the Secret Six. IT WOULD BE AMAZING.

But the key really is just to make a good film and that's what I think DC doesn't understand. I mean sure the fan base is going to help on your first week, but they're not this magic pot of untapped money that'll pay to see glorified cosplay.

A lot of people, including myself, wanted Gina Torres as Wonder Woman. Was never going to happen though, because comic book movie makers are stupid and have no vision.

All other endings are now inferior. THAT is how it has to end.

True, she did beat Doom after all. She's practically invincible.

Oh, that is good. Still hate Richard's though.

If DC are serious about wanting to do a Marvel, they do these guys and get Gail Simone to write the script.

I forgot about the marriage thing! And lest us forget they hired rabid homophobe Orson Scott Card to write Superman.

Yeah, Reed Richards is the dick who took her powers away so that she had to be replaced by a She hulk from another universe. Unless that all got re-coned when I wasn't playing attention.

Hell, I don't want Zack Snyder getting his hands on ANY of these women. Hell I don't want him getting his hands on Wonder Woman.