
The way he’s restraining her head and locking the angle of her back, with all that tension and strength on display — while she is not participating at all always weirded me out. Finding out it was actually a stranger grabbing a woman and basically forcibly posing her so that he could mash his face into hers made so

Consent isn’t heart-warming, I guess. But just look at the headlock the dude’s got her in: this was never romantic.

Look at their left arms. His, gripped tight on the back of her neck, hand in a fist. Hers clenched up, hand also in a fist. Compare this to any photo of passionate couple kissing.

I remember being weirded out when I found out they were strangers, even given the excuses of “Well, this was back in ____” or “Everyone was celebrating.” I think I’m extra creeped out to find out his wife is actually featured in the photo.

Considering the OP’s screen name I don’t think they’re here for informed, rational discussion, and it’s pretty clear that they have a favourable view of sexual assault.

Get fucked. Women spend their entire lives walking around being (at best) vaguely concerned with what might befall them against their will on behalf of men who are “just having a good time”. Go eat a bag of smashed assholes if you don't think that counts as assault.

Knowing how much she disliked this photo takes the glow off of it. I can’t help but think of that everytime I see it now

For many years I thought the photo depicted a sailor being reunited with his love interest after leaving her to go off to war. I’m guessing most people assumed this and thought it was sweet, hence the popularity of the photo. Not sure how Life described the photo at the time, though.

What’s disturbing to me is how often this photo and the (accurate) story behind it has been in the news in my lifetime and how that’s really done nothing to change people’s minds about it.

I hate that photo. So much.

Who the fuck stared this comment?

Holy shit, some menfolk are about to lose their minds.

I think the part of this whole story people skip over is the fact that, when Knocked Up came out, Katherine Heigl was a 26 or 27 year old woman who doesn’t have a particularly elfin or baby-face. Regardless of what she said or didn’t say, she had reached an age where Hollywood was likely to discard her because, in

Katherine Heigl seems like she is super critical. Plus, those rumors about her momager being difficult and making ridiculous demands probably didn’t help much. However, I think she got blackballed and that wouldn’t have happened if she were a man. Shia LaBeouf is an unstable asshole who is known to disparage his

I see your Seth Rogen and raise you a Jonah Hill. I feel like Seth is still kind of charming but Hill seems like an entitled ahole. Ugh. He pisses me off. (This really has nothing to do with anything but I’ve needed to get my Hill-hate off my chest for a long long time now. Thank you for listening.)

Her opinion usually is right. Knocked Up was everything she said it was. And on Gray’s her character’s storyline was sh!t and nothing about it deserved an Emmy. And Isaiah Washington shouldn’t have used a slur about T.R. Knight.

Katherine heigl was never wrong ! In what world would a woman like heigls character get knocked up by a Seth Rogan type and drop her whole life to have shreks baby? She was calling out the perverse male fantasy world of Apatow and sandler movies where fat sweatpants wearing schlubs are practically entitled to gorgeous

Knocked Up managed to do two things:

You’re right, I forgot he directed that. Okay, save the movie written by Schumer, she’s not wrong about {insert Apatow movie here.}

....she’s not wrong about {insert any Apatow movie here}.