
I can understand having hunting rifles, but what is with the handguns and assault weapons? Honestly why would ANYONE think they need weapons like this?

Let’s just abandon gun control and focus on gun owner control. It’s time we embraced the Second Amendment fully:

I am so FUCKING over this. Fucking take all the fucking guns and fucking burn them. My husband has hunting rifles. He doesn’t need them that bad. Fuck all this motherfucking bullshit. I have to take my damn Birkenstocks off at airport security, but fucking suspected terrorists can buy guns legally.

I don’t think she knew they were coming, or if she did she thought they were too far away still. Which is why she was asking him to wait until they got more men.

As far as Sansa knows she’s the last Stark. Remember she thinks Arya and Bran are dead. She has to have a kid to preserve the line, and since the Boltons sort of have a claim on the North and there are still their bannermen to win to their side, a Stark/Bolton heir might be the ticket.

Loved the ep in general. BUT. Why the hell didn’t Sansa tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale?!? It’s great she “saved the day” and all, but 1000s of deaths could have been prevented if she had just fessed up to Jon when he was finally asking her for her advice. In the face of his lamentation that they had to fight


I hope the school is forced to pay for state of the art dermatological care for that scar, in addition to everything else they should be paying for.

What a load of shit. It magically flew up and all the way AROUND her neck? These adults need locked up for lying and covering this up.

When I was a kid, my family (Air Force) was stationed in Oklahoma. I was the only non-white kid in my entire school. Every day, the other kids used to throw rocks at me during recess until one day the school suddenly “discovered” this program for gifted students, and the next thing I knew I was getting shuttled to a

I hope she gets every penny she is suing for! I am so sick of things happening to black children that are deemed accidents. She was attacked. That picture above that’s her neck after some healing this is it before

Jesus Christ. They tried to lynch her. Look at that wound. That will leave a scar that people will ask her about her whole life. Not only will she have to live with the memory of her classmates trying to LYNCH her, but she will also be reminded of it every time she looks in the mirror.

What really disturbs me is that these white kids even thought to brandish a rope around a black student’s neck as some sick homage to our country’s ugly history of racism and lynching. People try to dismiss this incident for what it really is: a racist act.

it definitely was a bullying incident...ugh it breaks my heart. They had to WORK to injure her that much....she was probably so scared...and none of the adults helped her...

This is really breaking my heart. I fucking DARE the school come up with all these bullshit excuses when it’s so fucking obvious that girl was hurt by a gang of asshole kids! That poor girl.

Well, Mr. Germer, if as you say there have been no incidents of this nature before, then yes; it is probably not the fault of the swing, but rather the nasty racist little shits “playing” with the swing.

There’s no way in hell that an injury like that was caused by a rope simply slinging itself around her neck. No way in hell.

At least demonic playgrounds aren’t racist. They haunt everybody equally.

no one helped her to her feet.

I read this story earlier this week and it’s a true WTF. I am amazed at the amount of wiggling everyone is doing to deflect blame. Apparently the principal was shocked that the mother was taking her daughter to the ER. Also, I’ve gotten accidental rope burns before but never from simply being hit by a rope and always