
I just listened to the audiobook and it's brilliant. He really seems to have a weird insight into the horrible, ugly side of being a teenage girl. I think the reason his books often doesn't translate onto the screen in because much of them rely on the characters internal monologue.

I'm okay with his apology. I've read shitloads of his books and he's one of the few writers with whom I honestly don't care if the main character is a man or a woman, because his characterization is so often genderless. While at the same time he doesn't avoid issues of gender violence.

Now playing

A special message from the Scottish Government following the successful passage of Scotland's equal marriage legislation.

Now playing

It's Time - Scotland's equal marriage video from the Equality Network


Hurrah! Well done the Scottish parliament!

Do you hear the people sing.............

Never forget.


Thank you! This is exactly what was thinking. There's still enormous financial inequality in the UK and a reluctance to acknowledge that wealth generated generations past (old money) is still very much playing a part in today's inequality. Hell just look at Westminster!

I know right? I now wonder who, on British children's TV, actually WASN'T a pedo. Because it's beginning to sound like it was pretty much most of them

Oh look, hipster carefree black girl

My cousins worked with him and says he's lovely (yes, Scotland is that small)

Hey at least we'll never sink in snow, right? Right? *sigh*

I wear these. I like these. Do you think she'll have anything like these?

Am loving the geography rants from my fellow British.

But it's not a political thing, it's a geography thing. Even if Scotland becomes independent, we'll still be part of Britain.

Be patient with them. Geography hurts their brains.

Hurrah! Thank you! (although come the 18th October that video might have to be revised somewhat)