
Ah, curling. One of the few sports we've ever won at.

Hey, those nets aren't going to mind themselves!

Yeah, think it's the same in Scotland. Yay us!! Unfortunately I fear our smugness will never make it out of the greys.

I know right!

Good bum action all round.

Oh god, this is perfect.

1. There are an astonishing number of men utilizing the Nigerian prince approach to messaging. Essentially internet dating spamming. I get shitloads of one liners like these....

Yeah, I get these. Although the one that really stood out was this one. I wasn't sure if he just hadn't entirely grasped the concept of negging or genuinely thought the purpose of dating sites was to troll.

I do not want to make him soup. I want to do.......other things.

I know. It seems obvious. But unfortunately there seems to be A LOT of fans who think that the most important requirement for a female character is that she be fuckable.

Oh Zack.

Zack, dude, listen. Just imagine she has a penis, write the script.....and then take away the penis.

Actually I'm fine with this. I want them to fuck it up. And fuck it up so badly that anyone following them knows EXACTLY what not to do (tip: Don't cast a director with *ahem* "women issues").

Blah blah blah blah. Keep your non threatening waif of a woman.

As a BBC licence fee payer, sometimes I worry that my licence fee is squandered.

Just me?

I did not know that!

Yes, I thought I'd heard this too.

And if Hollywood had any balls that's who it would be.....

That's pretty much a British Christmas though. It's the day Doctor Who is re-born, right?