
Never forget.


Thank you! This is exactly what was thinking. There's still enormous financial inequality in the UK and a reluctance to acknowledge that wealth generated generations past (old money) is still very much playing a part in today's inequality. Hell just look at Westminster!

I know right? I now wonder who, on British children's TV, actually WASN'T a pedo. Because it's beginning to sound like it was pretty much most of them

Oh look, hipster carefree black girl

Hey at least we'll never sink in snow, right? Right? *sigh*

I wear these. I like these. Do you think she'll have anything like these?

Am loving the geography rants from my fellow British.

But it's not a political thing, it's a geography thing. Even if Scotland becomes independent, we'll still be part of Britain.

Be patient with them. Geography hurts their brains.

Hurrah! Thank you! (although come the 18th October that video might have to be revised somewhat)

Ah, curling. One of the few sports we've ever won at.

Hey, those nets aren't going to mind themselves!

Yeah, think it's the same in Scotland. Yay us!! Unfortunately I fear our smugness will never make it out of the greys.

I know right!

Good bum action all round.

Oh god, this is perfect.

1. There are an astonishing number of men utilizing the Nigerian prince approach to messaging. Essentially internet dating spamming. I get shitloads of one liners like these....

Yeah, I get these. Although the one that really stood out was this one. I wasn't sure if he just hadn't entirely grasped the concept of negging or genuinely thought the purpose of dating sites was to troll.

I do not want to make him soup. I want to do.......other things.