
I know. It seems obvious. But unfortunately there seems to be A LOT of fans who think that the most important requirement for a female character is that she be fuckable.

Oh Zack.

Zack, dude, listen. Just imagine she has a penis, write the script.....and then take away the penis.

Actually I'm fine with this. I want them to fuck it up. And fuck it up so badly that anyone following them knows EXACTLY what not to do (tip: Don't cast a director with *ahem* "women issues").

Blah blah blah blah. Keep your non threatening waif of a woman.

As a BBC licence fee payer, sometimes I worry that my licence fee is squandered.

Just me?

I did not know that!

Yes, I thought I'd heard this too.

That's pretty much a British Christmas though. It's the day Doctor Who is re-born, right?

Almost everyone I know is atheist (pretty much that's the way Britain's going) and we all love Christmas. I love carols in particular. But them I was raised Church of Scotland and that's practically the methadone to the heroin of religion. So I never really had them forced down me.

'Queen of England'?

It's amazing. Do it!

Me too. Unfortunately for the gentlemen involved, I was with my friend and we were amazingly and surprisingly very savvy when it came to the internets.

"it would put a girl through puberty and pull a woman out of menopause" - Love this! "Copy, paste and stores for later*

Unicorn's are the national animal of Scotland *pets a unicorn*

St Andrews has the best charity shops ever.

Yay!!! Time for the Spaced gifs!

Thank you!