
Almost everyone I know is atheist (pretty much that's the way Britain's going) and we all love Christmas. I love carols in particular. But them I was raised Church of Scotland and that's practically the methadone to the heroin of religion. So I never really had them forced down me.

As someone who works in the animation industry I can tell you there would have been crying involved. And some very late nights.

I LOVED the original BBC series. It was a must see TV event. I was a student at the time and we all tuned it. We didn't need some pointless insane fictional narrative. I laughed out loud when I saw the trailer for this in the cinema.

'Queen of England'?

It's amazing. Do it!

It's just a shame that, unlike when I was growing up, it's now apparently only for boys. How could a brand that was so forward thinking actually go backwards in it's marketing?

Me too. Unfortunately for the gentlemen involved, I was with my friend and we were amazingly and surprisingly very savvy when it came to the internets.

Can they please just stop sending them to other countries? As much as I love him, Whedon really can't do the whole international thing.....

Oh for FFS Audrey. Just kill Nathan already. It's the classic Batman / Joker scenario, i.e. my personal principles are more important than the hundreds of corpses that appear to be quickly accumulating around me.

"it would put a girl through puberty and pull a woman out of menopause" - Love this! "Copy, paste and stores for later*

Unicorn's are the national animal of Scotland *pets a unicorn*

St Andrews has the best charity shops ever.

Yay!!! Time for the Spaced gifs!

Surely I can't be the first to post this.......?

*Puts crowbar and necklace made of human ears away*

Thank you!

Actually, it's just dawned on me why all Moffatt's women (bar Tate) piss me off so much. They have no sense of humour. None of them. The Doctor is there as the mad, funny, strange one and they are there to laugh, roll their eyes etc, but never to be funny themselves. Yes, if there is to be a female doctor, best we