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Peter Capaldi will be fantastic. I'm not really fussed that it's not a woman as Moffatt has no idea how to write them..........BUT, if it was going to be a woman then it would have to be Joanna Lumley.......

Not only that, his women are so boring. All of my male friends have raved about the assistants since the revamp, but to me they all just seemed like little girls straight out of drama school (Catherine Tate being the enjoyable exception). I miss Ace.

Bloody ell. I lived on Havelock street for a year. Not 25 years ago though. More like 13. It's not that big a street. That was a unexpected reference.

Cheers for pointing this out! It's something that's always forgotten. Those poor tourists must get very confused.

Really? It made me laugh. Guess we're just different people.

I know. I'm totes stopping now! But at least it meant this thread stayed at the top of the thread. Woop!

Yeeessss....I did. Well done for noticing.

I'm if I'm reaching I'm not the only one....

Agreed, totally fucked up. Hence why it's so disturbing that True Blood is pushing him as a main love interest and even more disturbing to visit message boards and see so many woman going weak at the knee's over how much of a 'bad boy' he is.

The Holocaust analogy came from them depicting vampires being herded into camps and executed on mass. It was not subtle and was pretty much acknowledged by most reviewers.

Awww! In your haste to type a witty put down to the mean feminazi you miss typed 'girl'. How sweet!

Yeah.......sorry True Blood, but I had to turn off when your comparisons of vampire rights to the civil rights movement (Not to mention the holocaust) became too heavy handed for me to stomach. Also we're meant to fancy a chap who threatens to essentially rape a girl to death, because, wait it's okay! It turns out

......or the hacking of the youth defense website, which was BEAUTIFUL. Myself and colleagues facebooked and tweeted Jezebel, but.......nothing. Sadface.

Way to be a week late Jezebel. The drama leading up to this vote was at times horrifying, sometimes hilarious but always totally engaging and you covered, like, none of it.

Way to be a week late Jezebel. And Broadsheet isn't a TV show it's a website.

Stinkhorn mushroom. And it looks even more like a dick in real life than it does in that illustration.